Wednesday, March 10, 2021

#5 Ads Then Meets The Eye

Who knew mermaid hair and insurance could have so much in comment? Apparently, Allstate can make connections to anything. This series they have created with the character Mayhem always leaves me laughing. My favorite will always be the one where he is a teenage girl. Though the one above is just as funny.
This time Mayhem is a beauty vlogger teaching people how to do a mermaid hairstyle. I have seen many people make hair tutorials, it is assumed that Mayhem is playing a girl. Looking around the room you can see that it is what most people would consider a "feminine" room. Especially when you notice the jewelry board on the wall. More guys should definitely use fairy lights in their room! The room is also messy and has awards in the background to indicate that he is most likely a teenager. Finally, Mayhem references emojis to indicate that he is also current with trends.
    Why does any of this matter if he is just selling insurance? I am sure that like me, many of you find this ad to be funny. Entertainment plays a huge part in advertisements because when something is entertaining it is most likely to stay in the viewer's mind. The longer it stays in the viewer's mind, the more likely they are willing to buy what the ad is selling. The most unusual ones are the ones that stand out the most. Is any of this offense? I would say not. This ad is all in good fun, and can even be relatable to anyone who watches or makes these videos. Really just anyone who styles their hair. The point is, we all need insurance. Why not be entertained when looking for one?

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

#4 What is Xylitol?


The chemical structure for xylitol
    I realized that not a lot of people know what xylitol is, and what it can do. So this post will give you guys a bit more information.

A trail in Flagstaff Arizona
    So what is xylitol and where does it come from? It is a branch from xylose, a crystalline aldose sugar. It comes from a birch tree. These tree grown in Alaska, Oregone, and even Arizona!

    Meaning that xylitol is considered a natural alternative to sugar. It can be found in gum, tooth past, and other oral care products. It can also be found in fruit candy, chocolate, and penutbutter. If you are looking for something surgafree, xylitol is a good option.

Teeth enjoy xylitol
Like everything else, xylitol should be used in moderation. Using it to much can cause the opposite of its benefits. Instead of helping with your skin damage, you can get deratities. Even though xylitol makes things sugar free, to much can cause problems with diabeties. It can fight bactirea in the stomach, you can get indegestion. Do not let these side effects scare you into not trying xylitol. You have to consume massive amounts inorder for any of these things to happen. Moderation is key!

    I hope this clears up some of the confusion about xylitol. If you are still curious, I suggest looking up. Even better would be trying it out yourself!

Friday, March 5, 2021

#3 Guess the Breath Freshener


The main ingredient in the mint
    It is time to play a guessing game with you guys. I'll describe what I am eating, and you guys see if you can guess what it is. Try to guess the flavor as well!

Here is what they look like
    First, I will say that this product is something that can freshen your breath as you suck on it. It is also great for people with dry mouths. It has a chemical called xylitol, which is a sweetener that usually replaces sugar. It also makes the flavor more intense.

    This particular breath freshener has different flavors. The one I am eating, in particular, is a fruit-type of flavor. This one is a citrus flavor that is not a color. It smells clean and fresh that is great in the summer. People put it in their water and tea to enhance the flavor. When squeezed it can sting your eyes or any cuts you have on your fingers. Though with this product the flavor is pleasant and sweet. Some would say it is sour or tart, but I disagree. I think the flavor is more refreshing and wakes you up if you are feeling groggy.

This is not my local store.
    Finally, these mints only available at a store called Sprouts. This is important because you also do not find these fresheners in the typical surgery aisle. Instead, you would find these under oral care. This is because the chemical xylitol is also good for your teeth. I suggest carrying these if you care about fighting tooth decay.

I hope you guys are able to figure out what it is that I am eating. Good luck to all of you!

#10 Real Feminisms